
About Me
Cherry Blossom Care: Understanding The Basics

When I bought a house with a cherry blossom tree in the front yard, I couldn't wait for that first blooming season to see the tree fill out. I knew that the tree needed care, but I wasn't sure how I was supposed to treat it. I called my local tree service and had them show me what it needed to keep it strong. I took all of the information they shared with me and everything else I've learned and created this site. I hope that the information here helps you take care of your blossoming trees so that you can enjoy their beauty every season.

Three Tree Trimming Mistakes To Avoid

3 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Most deciduous landscape trees don't require heavy pruning once they are mature, but it can be a deadly mistake to think they need no trimming. Dead and damaged limbs can pose a health danger to the tree and falling hazard to you and your home. Avoid the following mistakes when it comes to trimming out problem branches on your tree to ensure it remains healthy. #1: Skipping the disinfectant Read More …

It’s Time You Say Goodbye To Your Tree In These Situations

30 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The average homeowner probably isn't too eager to have one of the trees in his or her yard cut down. Trees provide a pleasant amount of shade, offer privacy from your neighbors, and can serve as a source of entertainment for your children. However, there can come a time that it's necessary to get rid of one of your trees. This isn't a job for the amateur — instead, to ensure that the tree is cut down safely, you should plan to hire a tree removal service in your community. Read More …

Top 3 Signs That Your Tree Is Unhealthy

13 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Do you own a property with one or more large trees on it? Do you know how to properly care for those trees? For many people, trees are something to be left alone most of the time. Unfortunately, without proper care, a tree's lifespan may be much more limited than it might have been. Here are some of the most important things that you need to look for with your own trees: Read More …

Inexperienced With Tree Care? 3 Things To Let The Professionals Handle Or Give Guidance On

13 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Managing a home is something that you will be doing as a homeowner, regardless of whether you are the person who does most of the work or if you simply relay the information to professionals. It may be the time in which the landscape starts growing quickly and showing some color. While you may be willing to take care of some things on your own, you should make sure you hire a tree care professional. Read More …

Four Practical Ways To Repurpose Tree Stumps

13 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Do you know that removing a tree and removing its stump are two different projects? When budgeting for a tree removal, you need to specify whether you also need the stump removed since they will be charged differently. Alternatively, you can just remove the tree and repurpose the stump for other uses. Here are a few ways of repurposing tree stumps: Planter A sizable stump will make a perfect planter. First, however, you need to chip away at the center of the stump to make the planting hole. Read More …