3 Signs Your Japanese Maple Needs Help

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Cherry Blossom Care: Understanding The Basics

When I bought a house with a cherry blossom tree in the front yard, I couldn't wait for that first blooming season to see the tree fill out. I knew that the tree needed care, but I wasn't sure how I was supposed to treat it. I called my local tree service and had them show me what it needed to keep it strong. I took all of the information they shared with me and everything else I've learned and created this site. I hope that the information here helps you take care of your blossoming trees so that you can enjoy their beauty every season.

3 Signs Your Japanese Maple Needs Help

12 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Landscaping is an important part of your home's curb appeal and value, but you may not understand how to keep your shrubs, flowers, and lawn healthy and attractive. While these elements deserve your attention, focusing on the health and look of your trees is also essential. Considering the Japanese Maple tree is one of the most valuable trees you can add to your yard, ensuring they are in good health is key. If you notice one of these signs, your elegant and unique Japanese Maple tree is in distress.

Brittle, Curling Foliage

The Japanese Maple is a durable tree that can withstand periods of drought and heavy rain. However, keeping the foliage lush and healthy will require periodic watering in seasons where temperatures are dry and hot.

If the leaves feel brittle and dry or they are beginning to curl at the ends, your tree is not receiving a sufficient amount of water. Check the mulch or pine straw surrounding the tree. If it is also somewhat dry, the tree and surrounding mulch or pine straw need to be water thoroughly each week.

Leaving the tree, mulch, and pine straw dry will cause the leaves to fall off. Over time, your tree will begin to die without enough water.

Discoloration Under Bark

You can also check the health of your Japanese Maple by removing a small section of bark on the trunk. The surface of the tree trunk, under the bark, should be a greenish color. If the surface of the tree trunk appears tan or brown in color, there is any underlying issue that needs to be addressed or your tree will start decaying and dying.

In most cases, this brown discoloration is due to a lack of nutrients. Professionals recommend fertilizing the tree in the early part of spring, after the last frost, to ensure continued growth. To prevent further damage to the tree, you will need to prune away branches that contain dead foliage.

Halted Growth

The spring season is when you will see new foliage on your Japanese Maple tree. The deep red foliage will continue all through the summer season before eventually dying off in the later stage of fall.

If you do not see any new foliage in the spring, your tree is in a serious state of distress. It is best to remove the tree before any possible infections spread to nearby shrubs and trees.

For color, beauty, and texture, the Japanese Maple tree is a great addition to your landscape design. With this guide, you will be able to diagnose issues and possibly restore the tree back to health. Contact a landscape company, like Beny's Tree Service, for more help.