Getting Help With Planting A Tree? Avoid Easy Mistakes Once The Upkeep Begins

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Cherry Blossom Care: Understanding The Basics

When I bought a house with a cherry blossom tree in the front yard, I couldn't wait for that first blooming season to see the tree fill out. I knew that the tree needed care, but I wasn't sure how I was supposed to treat it. I called my local tree service and had them show me what it needed to keep it strong. I took all of the information they shared with me and everything else I've learned and created this site. I hope that the information here helps you take care of your blossoming trees so that you can enjoy their beauty every season.

Getting Help With Planting A Tree? Avoid Easy Mistakes Once The Upkeep Begins

11 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Moving into a home with several mature trees is quite ideal because it prevents you from having to worry about the difficulties and risks that come with taking care of a tree in its youth. But, if you want to add to the collection of trees on your property, you may be ready to give one the care that it needs. It is best to get help from a tree service professional to pick out the right tree and plan its location. This is also a time in which you will want to learn about the potential mistakes that you should avoid once it is planted.

Not Accounting for Seasonal Change

When you first plant a tree, the season is going to have a major impact on the weather. For example, it might be raining on a regular basis, so you may not have to water as much to meet its needs. But, you must know that the season will change and with that, the weather will change as well. The rain may stop coming as often, so you need to adjust your watering habits or the irrigation system that is used.

Trying to Shape with Pruning

It is important to prune a young tree to help it grow and to give it a nice shape. But, it is possible to make the wrong cut and end up harming the tree to the point that it will not have a healthy growth pattern. You can read up about the tree that you have and how it should be pruned, but you will have more reliable results by hiring a tree service company to take care of this responsibility several times while it is young.

Adding Too Much Mulch

Once the tree is planted and it starts to grow, you may want to add mulch for protection and looks. But, it is possible to add too much mulch, which can then hold in excessive moisture to the point of not drying. With wet mulch touching the tree's roots, it puts it at risk of rot, disease, and even insect infestations. You should not hesitate to work with a professional to add the right amount of mulch in the beginning.

Taking care of a tree until it reaches maturity is a huge accomplishment. Keeping these tips in mind and getting professional help should set you on a path to enjoy a healthy tree for years to come.